Friday, July 5, 2019

~Friday, Friday~

It's a lazy Friday around here... I can't seem to muster the energy to do much of anything except the basic necessities~ the garden's been water, tomatoes harvested, weeds and dead leaves pulled, laundry is in process, breakfast dishes done, floors swept, and now I am tidying my living room, putting away my yarn and books...

I am looking forward to getting this in the mail today:
Isn't it gorgeous?! I just love Lecien's fabrics!  It may just be too pretty to use! I just love pretty fabric
but find it hard to cut up and use for something...Am I the only one? 

The flowers are starting to bloom now and I think I am going to dry them and save them for my beeswax ornaments, soap and potpourri...
Speaking of potpourri, I have ALOT of oranges to slice and dry... I'll try and get half done today and half tomorrow...

Hoping and wishing you a joy~filled Friday!



  1. Hi Kelley, did your pretty fabric arrive? I would love to see what you do with it! How do you dry oranges? I just put a bag full of whole orange in my freezer because I don't have an immediate use for them. See you on the HomeMakers Forum :-)

    1. Hi! :)
      My fabric did arrive and it's almost too pretty to use! I haven't decided on a use for it yet...

      About the oranges, I slice them, put them on a cookie sheet, put them in the oven at the lowest temperature for a few hours, let them cool... I use them in potpourri...
      Another use is to use the oranges for juice and save the peels and put in a jar of vinegar for use as a cleaning spray...
      Or you can dry out the peels and then pulverize them and make orange peel powder for soap...
      If you just kind of finely chopped them, you can use them for orange peel in recipes.
      Hope this helps!
      See you at the forum! <3

  2. Wow, so many good uses for oranges! Thanks Kelley :-)
